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Ready to buy a beautiful piece of stardustandmoonshine jewelry? Already have a piece or two, and are wondering about long term care?

BEHOLD!!! How to care for your jewels:

💎First off, be mindful of how you treat your jewelry. OF COURSE I want you to wear your piece of SMJ magic as often as possible, BUT. Never wear your pieces in water: swimming, shower, intense sweating sessions, etc. Water (especially saltwater) can weaken the integrity of the leather, silk, and wire cord for the bracelets, and the silk cording of the beaded necklaces. Not to mention, certain stones, and wire, may discolor and tarnish under these conditions. No bueno!

💎Remember to take off your jewels before a strenuous workout. Hey, I wear my jewelry to yoga too. I am talking about INTENSE exercise, like cross training, or boxing, or gymnastics. Not only can the excessive bouncing weaken the integrity of the piece, but with all that swinging around you could whack it on something by accident and certain beads and stones could shatter. Or, you might smack yourself in the face with your own beaded necklace, (true story), get it caught on something and break it apart, or you could accidentally strangle yourself. NO BUENO! These pieces are highly protective, but they can only do so much.🤣

💎If your tassel gets a little funky, please reach out to me to ask what to do: some tassels you can VERY CAREFULLY wash, some you can not. It just depends. Just try not to drag your tassel through a mud puddle, or your own dinner plate, for that matter. (Also true story.)

💎Try not to hang your necklaces or bracelets up on hooks or the like  - this will unnecessarily weaken the whole structure over time. It is best to lay it flat when not in use, in a nice dry spot away from lotions, soaps, and perfumes, as these can wreak havoc on certain crystals. When not in use, please use your Selenite wand to keep your items cleansed and charged. Instructions on how to do so will be in your package!


The CARE + CLEANSING information on this page is the personal and intellectual property of stardustandmoonshine.com, and may not be stolen, copied, mocked, plagiarized, screen shot, shared on social media, sent through email, or any other way including, but not limited to: snail mail, messenger pigeon, paper airplane, sling shot, message-in-a-bottle, etc. It shall not  be passed off as someone else’s creation, and may not be used for any other way then how it was originally intended UNLESS you receive the express written AND verbal consent of:

Becky R. Alexander

Creator, Owner, Director, Designer, Maker, Chief Jewelry Imaginator + Head Goddess,
